Elena Anagnostopoulou obtained her Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Salzburg in 1994. After a post-doc at MIT (1997-1998), where she returned in 2007 as a Visiting Associate Professor, she took a position at the University of Crete in 1998, where she is currently Professor of Theoretical Linguistics. Her research interests lie in theoretical and comparative syntax, formal linguistic typology, morphology and historical morphosyntax, with special focus on the interfaces between syntax, morphology, and the lexicon, argument alternations, Case, Agreement, person, gender, clitics, control and anaphora. In 2013 she received a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, in recognition of her past accomplishments in research and teaching. Since 2019 she is elected member of Academia Europaea . She is the author of The Syntax of Ditransitives. Evidence from Clitics (Mouton de Gruyter 2003), co-author of External Arguments in Transitivity Alternations. A Layering Approach (Oxford University Press 2015), has co-edited several collective volumes and has published in journals, edited volumes and conference proceedings. She is Co-editor in the Series Open Generative Syntax, Language Science Press and member of the editorial board of the journals Journal of Greek Linguistics, Linguistic Inquiry and Syntax. She was Co-I in the AHRC-funded project "Investigating variation and change: Case in Diachrony" (2017-2019) and is PI of the UCrete-funded project "Using tools from Evolutionary Biology to reveal relationships among languages” (2019-2021) in collaboration with Manolis Ladoukakis (Department of Biology) and of the H.F.R.I- funded project “ModelingGlossogeny. Using biological tools in the study of genetic and areal stability of morpho-syntactic parameters” (2019-2022).
Papers, presentations and classes can be downloaded here.