Stratis Papaioannou works on Byzantine literature in its many facets. He has published a monograph on Michael Psellos in English (Michael Psellos: Rhetoric and Authorship in Byzantium; Cambridge University Press 2013) and, in a thoroughly revised version, Modern Greek (Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός. Ἡ ρητορικὴ καὶ ὁ λογοτέχνης στὸ Βυζάντιο. Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης 2021), a collection of Psellos’ essays on the theory of literature and art (together with Charles Barber; Notre Dame University Press 2017), and a critical edition of Psellos’ letter-collection (two vols., Degruyter 2019). He has also published a critical edition and English translation of six texts of Symeon Metaphrastes (Christian Novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes; Harvard University Press 2017), and is completing a similar collection of Hagiographical tales for the same series (Byzantine Saints at the Margins: Seven Popular Legends). In May 2021, his edited volume, The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Literature, will be published by Oxford University Press. Papaioannou studied Greek literature at the University of Athens, Greece (1995) and Byzantine studies at the University of Vienna (2000). He has taught at the Catholic University of America (2000-2005), Brown University (2006-2018), and as visitor, at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. He is currently a member of the international research project Retracing Connections: Byzantine Storyworlds in Greek, Arabic, Georgian, and Old Slavonic (https://retracingconnections.org) and is preparing the critical edition of the Greek Life of Theodore of Edessa (BHG 1744). In 2018, he was named John Guggenheim Foundation Fellow (https://www.gf.org/fellows/all-fellows/stratis-papaioannou/).