Dimitris Perodaskalakis studied Classical Philology at the University of Crete, where he also carried out his Ph.D. “Tragic suffering in Sophocles from the point of view of the dramatis personae” under the supervision of Prof. Loukia Athanasaki.
He has taught for many years in Secondary Education and at the University of Crete. In 2012 his book “Σοφοκλής. Τραγικό Θέαμα και Ανθρώπινο Πάθος”, was published by Gutenberg Publications. Since 2020 he is in the Classical Studies Division in the Department of Philology at the University of Crete.
His research focuses on Ancient Greek Drama in ancient epic and lyric poetry, while he is also interested in the perception and interaction of literature genres. Articles relevant to his research interests have been published in volumes of collected works and periodicals.
He has also published 5 poetry books with Gavriilidis Publications, the most recent of which “The Sphinx sent e-mail” was published in 2018.