Ewen Bowie was Praelector in Classics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, from 1965 to 2007, and successively University Lecturer, Reader, and Professor of Classical Languages and Literature in the University of Oxford. He is now an Emeritus Fellow of Corpus Christi College. From 1977 to 1983 he edited The Journal of Hellenic Studies; in 2007 he was a co-founder of the Network for the study of archaic and classical Greek song; he serves on the advisory board of Ancient Narrative. He has published articles on early Greek elegiac, iambic and lyric poetry; on Aristophanes; on Hellenistic poetry; and on many aspects of Greek literature and culture from the first century BC to the third century AD, including Plutarch and the Greek novels. He has edited (jointly with Jaś Elsner) a collection of papers on Philostratus (Cambridge, CUP 2009) and (jointly with Lucia Athanassaki) another entitled Archaic and Classical Choral Song (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2011). He recently published a commentary on Longus, Daphnis and Chloe (Cambridge, CUP 2019) and edited a collection of essays Herodotus. Narrator, scientist, historian (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018). His collected papers (3 volumes) are being published by CUP with the title Essays in Greek Literature and Culture.