URL: https://philology.uoc.gr/en/nea/talws-texnhth-nohmosynh-gia-tis-anorwpistikes-kai-tis-koinwnikes-episthmes

TALOS-Artificial Intelligence for Humanities and Social Sciences

Category: Event - Lecture

University Of Crete

Launch event of the project

TALOS-Artificial Intelligence for Humanities and Social Sciences

March 14, 2023

The event will be livestreamed:

Event type: Launch event

Date: 14 March 2023

Location: Αίθουσα "Παντελής Πρεβελάκης" (Ωδείο), Ρέθυμνο

Time: 19:00


Website: http://talos-ai4ssh.eu/