![]() | Rethymnon International Conferences on the Ancient Novel (RICAN) | ||
Welcome speeches Gareth Schmeling, Chair John Hilton (KwaZulu-Natal) ‘Transitions in Status in the Ancient Novels: From Slavery to Mastery and Back’ Koen de Temmerman (Gent) “Enslaved Heroes and their Masters: Rhetorical Control in the Ancient Greek Novel and Beyond” Ewen Bowie, Chair William Owens (O.S.U.) “The Greek Novel Callirhoe: By a Freedman Author for Freedmen Readers?” Stephen Trzaskoma (New Hampshire) “The Dynamics of Submission and Slaveryin Xenophon of Ephesus’ Ephesiaca” Ken Dowden (Birmingham) “Slavery and Despotism in Iamblichos’ Babyloniaka” Monday 27 May, 6:00 p.m. Ken Dowden, Chair Alain Billault (Paris-Sorbonne) “Achilles Tatius, Slaves and Masters” Ewen Bowie (Oxford) “Masters, Slaves and Freedom: a Mytilenean Perspective” Silvia Montiglio (Johns Hopkins)“They Get By Without a Little Help From their Slaves: Chariclea and Theagenes” John Morgan (Swansea)“Phaedrus and Phaedra: Mistresses and Servant-women in Heliodoros” Tuesday 28 May, 10:00 a.m. Paula James (Open University), Chair John Bodel (Brown) “Liber esto: Free Speech at the Banquet of Trimalchio” Costas Panayotakis (Glasgow) “Beauty and the Slave in Petronius” Maeve O’Brien (NUI Maynooth), Chair Regine May (Leeds) “Photis: Comic Slave or Elegiac Mistress?” Michael Paschalis (Crete) “Masters and Slaves in [Lucian’s] Onos and Apuleius’ Metamorphoses” Επίσκεψη στο υστερομινωϊκό νεκροταφείο Αρμένων και στην αρχαία Λάππα. Περιήγηση, ξενάγηση και συζήτηση Tuesday 28 May, 6:00 p.m. John Morgan, Chair Sonia Sabnis (Reed College) “Allegories of Mastery in the Works of Lucian” Stelios Panayotakis (Crete) “The Master’s Wrath: Slavery in Apollonius of Tyre” Jeremy Lefkowitz (Swarthmore College) “Reading the Aesopic Corpus: Slavery and Freedom in Representations of Fable-telling in the Life of Aesop” Steven Smith (Hofstra) “Slavery and Cosmic Order in Theodoros Prodromos (Rhodanthe and Dosikles 7.355-399)” For further information, please contact the conference organizers at: Michael Paschalis (paschalis@phl.uoc.gr) Stelios Panayotakis (panayotakis@phl.uoc.gr)Conference email:RICAN@phl.uoc.gr |